Saturday, April 2, 2011

The big reveal....

So, I have realized that I am not going to get much more accomplished right away. There are still things that need to be done, but here's what we've got so far.....

This is from the front door. Looking down the hall
the first door on the right is a closet, then Lance's
room. On the left the first door is a closet, then the kids
bathroom. At the end of the hall is Lilly's room. Our room
is the last door on the right.

The dining room. The board is for the kids to
hang their "artwork" on.

This is the art center in the dining room. So
far it's going well. No one has painted the
walls yet!!

The kitchen (from the front door). Nothing too
interesting. The door in there is the laundry. If
I had one complaint its that. The setup is weird
the washer is on the left & the dryer is on the right
just awkward.

The living room (from the front door).

The living room (from the hallway)

The living room (from the dining room) The shelf in the corner
has all their puzzles & games in it. That has been great too.
They are much more accessible!!

My wall of fame....I can't help myself!!

Lance's room.

From his door....his room has no theme really. I can't
decide if I want to buy something for it or not. I have his
Purdue stuff, but without the walls painted I am not sure...

One of my purchases from my shopping trip last week.
I am so happy I decided to get these!!

The kids bathroom!!

kids bathroom again..

Lilly's room (from her door) She made her own bed!!

Her them!!

her dresser & baby doll stuff

Our bathroom.

Our may recall we sold our bedroom furniture,
we decided we would rather have nothing than what we had.
So now we have a collection of varies works for now!!

I need to buy new bedding, but I am so in love with the kids artwork
that I am not sure I could change the colors!!

That's it in a nutshell!! I think it is shaping up pretty good!!

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