Saturday, April 23, 2011

Egg Hunt!!

It's been a few days....sorry!! The kids spent the night with my mom & we have just chilled the past few days. Today Lilly had an early soccer game (8am). I was a little concerned but they were so worn out from my mom's that they were both in bed asleep before 8pm!! They both slept all night & woke up ready to go! Lilly played an AMAZING game!! She stopped the ball from going in the other teams net at least 4 times!! She got several good kicks in as well. No goal yet, but she seems to be more of a defense person. I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!!! We only have a few games left so I hope she keeps it up. Of course I didn't have my camera today  :(

Jeff had to work today but I decided I wanted to take the kids to an egg hunt. There were several listed in the local magazine here so I thought I would pick one and go. I was kinda on the fence about it & then Lilly's soccer coach invited us to the one at her church! Perfect!! So we came home & showered & headed back out. They had a good time & they at least knew a couple of the kids. They both got lots of goodies!! On the way home we stopped & picked up our Honey Baked ham for tomorrow YUMMY!!!

They had to try out the slide!!!


Throwing sticks & rocks in the bay!!

HANDSOME!! Lilly wouldn't sit for one.

You can see Mobile across the bay if you look hard!

He was on a mission!

filling their buckets! 
PRICELESS!!! I was hoping the person behind the pole
would move but I was afraid if I waited I would miss the shot. He asked
to go sit there & eat his nerds!!!

3 legged race!! They did pretty good on the way over
but on the way back Lance fell down & started getting mad. I had to help them back!!

This picture is for Lucy. Her mommy didn't have her camera & Lucy wanted a pic. of the bunny!!

We had a great time!! Now we are just waiting on the bunny.......hippity hoppity!!!

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