Monday, March 24, 2014

The Coleman's Visit!!

Doug, Lisa & the boys are spending their spring break in Orange Beach! We got to spend all day with them Sunday showing them around Fairhope. Then today I broke the kids out of school about an hour early and we headed down to spend the afternoon/evening with them. We all had SO much fun!! I wish we had more time to spend with them!!

We went for lunch then took them to the pier. The kids had a blast!!

You mean we aren't supposed to put our hands in the water??

Silly kids!
After the pier we went for ice cream then back to our house to play some more!! It was such a fun day!

It was chilly at the beach today, but of course they didn't care!!

She is a beach baby for sure!!

After the beach we went for a quick swim, then back to their condo to shower and have dinner. (I'm pretty sure my kids ate 80% of their food)!

One last picture before we head home. Ike & Phillip really wanted them to spend the night. They said they could sleep with them. :-(
My kids were upset when I explained we probably wouldn't see them again before they left.

Silly picture...this cracks me up...Lilly wouldn't make one and Lindley is making one but you can't see her because of Ike's arm!!
It's been too long since we got to hang out and spend time with them. We really enjoyed our visit!!

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