Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mardi Gras time!!!

Well, we've been busy celebrating Mardi Gras & it's not over yet!! The kids and have been to two parades plus we all did the school parade and have had a blast! The last parade we plan on going to is Monday night as long as it doesn't rain!!

Waiting patiently.....

Silly girl!

Pretty girl!

Heard the excited....I have no idea what's with his crazy eye!

They each got something good, but this isn't much.

Lance got to walk and throw and Lilly got to catch. Lance saved her a pink monkey and then all her friends were screaming at him!! So cute! Lindley was tired and has a runny nose....she wasn't all that impressed.

We came home from their school parade and they made a float and threw to us. SO CUTE!!

Hard at working making her sign

We even had to sit our chairs by the sidewalk. Here they come!!

She got a ball!

This entertained them for like an hour!

Just realized she's wearing the same outfit....this is a different parade a week later. Strange! Anyway...this was the first parade she actually got into and was waving and clapping. She loves getting the throws, but usually just sits and waits till one lands by her or I hand her one. Not this time!!

Over here!!!!

Lady liberty float!

Golf clubs! COOL!

THIS IS MORE LIKE IT!!! Check out that loot!!!!


HEY THERE pretty girl!

I have named this the OOWW (Order of Wonderful Wades). They paraded again this morning! Lilly really wants to ride on a float. I'm guessing she will be a part of a Mardi Gras crew ASAP. My friend was going to let us help load her float, but we had a ball game. We are going to make it happen next year! Lilly will love it!!
There is a chance of rain Monday, but it's our best parade cause I've got connections! Hoping for good weather!!!
Happy Mardi Gras!!!

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