Monday, March 24, 2014

Lindley's 2nd birthday!

For Lindley's birthday we had her friend Harper come over for pizza and cake. She had a blast!!

Playing shy

stealing kisses...

So beautiful....


I can't believe she's two....I can't believe she's two. She shouldn't be two yet. Where is the time going??

look at those legs!




Taking hugs..

Begging for hugs?

Fun with her friend!


I am amazed at her every day. She doesn't talk a lot yet, but can communicate very well. She's very smart and thinks she can do everything Lilly and Lance do. We all spoil her rotten!!
Happy Birthday Lindley Claire!!! WE LOVE YOU!!
She worked really hard to get this down! She will tell you she's two, but doesn't always get it right.

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