Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lance's room

We have been promising the kids that we would paint their rooms. I mean we've only been here two years! Jeff originally was just going to do a football room like his room in Indiana. Lance was good with that too. However, I was wanted to include other sports since he plays baseball & basketball. Well, I looked online and that was a bad idea......

Lots of taping.....

and more taping....

Resulted in a two Saints football walls.

 A Yankee baseball wall

Look closely...there is the outline of a baseball seam

Jeff hand painted each of those seams!!
The last wall is going Purdue basketball. It is gold on top and orange on bottom. Jeff didn't get the basketball painted yet. Once we get his bedding and other décor I'll post more pictures. Jeff worked his entire 4 days off on this. It was a HUGE project and it turned out AMAZING!!! Lance is VERY excited.
Thankfully, Lilly's room will be much easier!!

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