Saturday, April 9, 2011

Strawberry Festival!!

Today after Lilly's soccer game (which she did pretty good at), we headed to the Strawberry Festival.
Lilly on the slide....she went up all by herself...

This is a scary sight....double trouble!



A healthy lunch of nachos & corn dogs...YUMMY!!

Going fishin'

Playing with her prize from fishin'

Looks like he's up to something...


We also had strawberry shortcake, but I was too busy eating it to take a pic. I have to admit the kids were a little overwhelmed. We have never taken them to a fair or festival. Lilly went when she was little (less than 2) & Lance has never been. They had a great time, but spent a lot of time just looking around. Lance was amazed at the Zipper (big ride). We only stayed a couple of hours because it was getting hot, busy & they/we were tired. They also had a car show & tractors, but we didn't make it over there. Maybe next time!!

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