Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Millionaire Mom??

Ok....so I saw this link about a company hiring 5 stay-at-home moms to basically be product testers. The pay is great, the hours are great & there are some AWESOME benefits. There is one catch......you have to submit a video & get people to vote for you. Not sure this is something I want to do....gave it some thought last night & decided I would try. I was busy most of today & just before I was getting ready to start dinner I decided I would just do it. So w/out any preparation I asked the kids if they wanted to help me make a video. Lilly (the nosey one) wanted to know what for. I explained & she was on board. So after about 4 takes of just them I realized that I was just gonna have to do this in one shot & be done or I would chicken out, making up excuses etc. Plus I need time to get votes. I look terrible, but don't all stay-at-home moms?? Anyway, PLEASE check out the video. You have to do it through facebook. PLEASE repost & tell your friends. This is AN AMAZING opportunity & would be great for us!!! Here's the link....we have 10 days to get votes. (the top 20 will move on to another round)


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