Tuesday, April 19, 2011


What do you do after an afternoon at the beach??? Color Easter eggs of course!! I would just like to note that this is the first time we have done this alone with my kids. We generally do this (along with many other traditions) with The Hanaver clan. The kids had fun & the eggs are beautiful, BUT....I sure missed them!! Can't wait to see them next month!!!

Checking the color!

Writing something important!!

We did this in the evening so Daddy could help/watch. He helped Lance
do a two tone egg....from that point it got a little mess. They were both
double & triple dipping which lead to some interesting eggs.


Hard work!

Notice the purple fingers??

Ok....so strangely enough....these are Lance's.....

these are Lilly's...notice the colors?? Funny!

Finished!! PERFECT!!

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