Sunday, April 24, 2011


Lance woke up at 7:20, came to our & snuggled for about 10 mins. Then he says, "Did the Easter Bunny come yet?" We proceeded to have a conversation about whether or not the bunny was knocking on the door, talking or out in the living room. I explained to him that the Easter Bunny came while he was sleeping. We decided to go wake Sissy up & check it out!!!
Checking it out!

He ate the carrots & left a note.....saying he left 36 eggs!!

Found one!!

Look....he left some in the hall (they walked right past them)

Got them!


A bunny!


a new tiara

opening the eggs!!

ready for a swim

there is a little doggie in there!!

If you look at the center of his shirt there is an iron man  button, when he hits it there is a cool noise. He knows nothing about iron man BUT the Easter Bunny had a coupon & it was like $1.50. The bunny knew he would love it!

This is her laptop she got with her gift card & money. She LOVES it. I showed her how she can type on it today. She said, "AWESOME"

Travel Connect 4...FUN!

A cookie after breakfast!


Check out all the loot!

This is our yummy Easter lunch. I made it myself & it was easy & great!!!! Honey Baked ham, corn on the cob, green beans, hashbrown casserole, berry tossed salad & rolls. Plus, carrot cake, deviled eggs & shrimp (courtesy of mom/dad). I wanted to take a pic to show the lily's on the table. Lilly & I went to church this morning. It's the first one we've tried out since we moved & I just felt like we needed to go. Lance & Daddy stayed home. Anyway, they gave us those for visiting. Lilly had to have them on the table for lunch!!

goodies from Mammaw & Pappaw!

Chocolate bunny after nap!!

She insisted on making this face....

So Jeff & Dad crashed while Lance was napping. Mom, Lilly & I just chilled. Then after Lance wakes up Mom crashes....WHAT THE HECK people???

After we got Jeff up we had planned on heading to the park for more Easter egg hunts. HOWEVER, Lilly & Lance wanted to go swimming!! That deserves a post of it's own!

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