Friday, January 23, 2015

Weekend Fun

It was a beautiful weekend last weekend. We enjoyed a lot of time outside!

Brody came over and he Lance we playing Batman. So cute!

We headed out for a walk/bike ride.

Ran into the caped crusaders making sure the neighborhood is safe!


She got tired and pulled her bike back! LOL

Playing with some grass.

She reminds me of Lance more and more these days.

This is our neighbors tent. They have three girls (one is a baby). This is where Lilly spent much of her day. They play so well together!

After lunch and a nap we headed back out.

Playing a little ball.


Isn't he the sweetest?

The princesses were riding in the tractor!

Time for a drive!

Lindley is getting the hang of driving, but still prefers to be driven! Of course....the best brother in world doesn't mind at all!

Getting some Daddy love before he has to go to work. He was supposed to work 12 days straight. He did end up getting one day off in the middle of them, but it still made for a long couple of weeks. Everyone was happy this was his last night!!

Krispy kreme gives a free donut for every A. Both kids got a half dozen from their great report cards!!


Luckily they shared with Lindley, Mommy & Mammaw too!!
So happy to have some nice weather!! It's rainy today, but this weekend looks nice too!

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