Friday, January 23, 2015

Potty Trained!!

I finally decided to bite the bullet and attempt to potty train Lindley. She still really had no interest and didn't want to even put panties on or sit on the potty. They ask her to sit on the potty at school and she was doing it for them. Initially she wasn't happy with me. She had a couple accidents the first day (last Wednesday), but also pooped on the potty once!! After that she caught on pretty quickly! Thursday she was at school so I put her in a diaper. Friday morning we went to panties and haven't looked back. It's been a week and she is officially potty trained! She had about one accident a day over the weekend, but by Monday she pretty much had it down! Both days at school she had no accidents! I am SHOCKED at how easy it was!!!

This was the first day!

So proud of herself!

We did stickers the first few times, but honestly she really didn't care after the first day or so!!

This was yesterday when I declared she was officially potty trained!!!
YAY Lindley!!!

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