Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lindley's school!

I keep forgetting to get some pictures of Lindley at school. I finally remembered today!

So right after took this she got upset and cried! She has never done that. The second day she was kinda sad, but never really cried. Today she totally lost it. I'm not sure why, but it prevented me from getting any other pictures. That's her cubby!

Mom went with me to pick her up today so she got distracted when we came in, but she was busy playing with numbers!
Other than her little breakdown this morning she has been doing great! In fact she has cried several mornings that she hasn't had school. Before we left today she told me she was waiting on the bus to go to school! They are starting to get more kids and even have a couple more girls finally!! I think she likes having something that is hers. I already noticing her saying her letters and numbers more. We are so proud of her!!

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