Friday, January 9, 2015

Disney, Day 1 Magic Kingdom

We had another great trip to Disney. The kids knew what to expect and were all about the roller coasters!! The weather was chilly and we had rain on the first day, but it didn't stop us from having fun!

Big Thunder railroad!

Everyone enjoyed it!

Lindley was still not a fan of the characters. She told us she didn't like their hands and their eyes.

Family picture!

Hadley on the other hand LOVED them!
So much fun!


The whole crew on Aladdin's magic carpets!

So fun!

Tea cup time! 
For dinner we headed to the Grand Floridian to eat with Cinderella and friends.

As Jeff said, "NoNo found her prince"

Hadley loved Cinderella. She just talked to her. So precious.

The step-mother and step-sisters crack me up. They do such a good job staying in character.

It was a cold, wet day but we still had fun!!

Checking out the giant gingerbread house after dinner. Can you tell we are tired??


Isn't it huge??
We went back to the hotel cause it was cold and everything was wet. After dinner Jeff, Brent and Lance went back to the park, but the girls and I stayed in and hung out at the hotel.
First day=success!

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