Saturday, March 1, 2014

Was Museum

The second grade has a wax museum every year. They study famous people from history and have to select one and then do a paper bag report. Then they dress up like them and act like a wax person. All the parents tour the museum and when you push their button they tell you four important facts about themselves. It was so fun!!! They all did so good. They were nervous (had one vomit and a couple pass out, not in her class)!! Anyway, Lilly chose Betsy Ross since she had the costume already. She did SO GREAT!!!

Hello Betsy!!

Telling us her facts!

All done!! GOOD JOB!! That's Robert E Lee next to her. He is our neighbor, Jackson.
She told me she messed up a few times and was nervous. So proud of how well she did even though she was nervous.

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