Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Fever Chase

Lilly, Lance and I did the Spring Fever Chase this year. Lilly has done it for the past two years, but this was Lance's first time.
Kids from Fairhope Elementary!

Ready to run!!

Starting line!

Lilly with her BFF Madison and friend Mary Mac.
Lilly ran with the girls and took her sweet time. Lance told me he was going to win. I explained that there were a bunch of kids and since it was a fun run they don't do trophies or anything, but he was pretty confident he was going to win. We talked with him about pacing himself etc. I told him that he was free to run ahead, but to just wait at the finish line where I could see him. He started with me since it was pretty crowded. However, once the crowd cleared he took off and I never saw him again!!! I didn't time myself so I'm not sure how long it took him. He finished before me, but a friend of mine saw him finish and thinks it was about 20 mins (it was a 2-mile run)!!! She said he would go really fast for a minute and then stop and walk for a minute and then take off again. (So much for pacing himself!
Lilly finished after me...she was too busy socializing!!

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