Monday, March 24, 2014


So Jeff got Lilly's room painted and we put some finishing touches on Lances. I also changed some things in Lindley's.

I finally got curtains for Lindley's room. They are just pink sheers, but they make a huge difference! We took the double bed out (don't worry Grandma we plan to get a twin bed to put in here), gave her Lance's armoire and moved most of her toys to her room. I still have stuff to hang on the wall. My parents and I got her stuff for her room for her birthday. (She seriously didn't NEED anything).

Lilly's room in progress......

Such a good Daddy!!
It's hard to see in picture, but the dot wall also has glitter!! Jeff did one coat and she said it wasn't glittery enough so he did a second! It's very subtle but very cute!

Doesn't it look great!!! She was tired of her loft bed so we were originally going to sell it and get her something new, but then Lance said he wanted to try it. So we played musical furniture! We just put his frame in her room. She kept her dresser and we moved the little table in as her desk till we find something. She wanted white furniture, but I really like the way this looks in here.

She also needs some things on the wall, but we ran out of time!
We were planning on making her a fabric headboard. She wanted the canopy the whole time, but once we got it up we decided we don't think she needs a headboard at all. We may decide to do one later, but now this works!

The loft bed looks great in Lance's room. His room is wider (Lilly's is longer) so it actually fits better in here. It seemed to eat her room up. He also got stuff for his room for his birthday. My parents got him new bedding. (His first complete bedding set. He has always just had a sheet and blanket).

I just love it!!

Since I moved his armoire out I put a thing in his closet for his clothes and moved this in for all his dress-up/random toys.
Pappaw & Julie got Lance some fatheads for his birthday!! I'm not sure if Lance or Jeff was more excited. We still had his Purdue ones so they went on his basketball wall. They got him a Drew Brees and a Saints helmet for his football walls. They also got him some Yankee ones and a light switch plate, but I don't have a picture of that wall.
Lance in his new bed, new sheets and new Mickey (from Pappaw & Julie) Happy boy!!
They all seem to be very happy!! Jeff worked so hard on these rooms for them. He did a GREAT job!!

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