Monday, March 24, 2014

Lance is 6!!!!

We decided to do Lance's party at a local tumbling place. The thought of 12-15 kids(mostly boys) in my house made me crazy. Plus, I knew weather could be a factor...turns out it was raining the day of his party!
Lance has needed a new bike for probably six months. We just hadn't taken time to get him one. So we made it part of his birthday. We gave it to him Friday afternoon after school. He came in and started playing with Lindley. We waited and waited...he went to the kitchen, bathroom....but never to the living room.

Finally I called for Lindley and he got up too.

I think he is happy!

This face is PRICELESS!! Pure joy!!

Look how big!!

Lance had wanted a home party because he wanted to do Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So despite the fact that the gym will do all party supplies I agreed to do TMNT if he agreed to a outside the house party!! We did cookies decorated like pizzas (the turtles favorites), Toxic ooze (green Kool-Aid) and fruit representing each color of turtle. Of course...cake and ice cream too! They even decorated and made plates, cut cake etc. AMAZING!! Totally worth the money to be able to not stress and enjoy the party!

PARTY TIME!! (Aidan, Lance's first friend, from preschool)

Notice the hair cut? I haven't mentioned it for fear of being disowned by two people in particular (Uncle Cam & Grandma Trisha). He begged and wanted a buzz, but this was as short as I would let him go.

Micah, Lance's second friend, from preschool

Look how big she is!

This girl had a BLAST!! I'm thinking her next party should be here! She would love a class....just to find the time!


They were introducing themselves. I love this picture of them talking like old men!



I don't know what she is doing, but it's hilarious!


Harper, Lindley's first friend, his Lance's friend's (Brody) sister. Isn't she adorable? She's actually a few month younger than Lindley. Look at all that hair!


Having so much fun!

Their favorite part...knocking down the giant wedge!
Riding the air tramp as the fill it up!


Going down!

I was originally going to make his cake. Then he saw this one at Wal-Mart. He wasn't going to get it because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. So sweet, but I think I'm good with just going and picking it up! Notice the "pizzas" in right corner. We were going to do only red M&M's for pepperoni's. Then I decided the yellow could be pineapple, the green could be peppers, brown could be sausage or bacon etc. Lance decided the blue could be blueberries and decorated on with just blue for him!! He did every pizza himself and would say the food name as he decorated. HILARIOUS!

Sweet face!!
There were a TON of pictures from his party, but I think you get the picture. They ran, jump, flipped, tumbled and had a BLAST!!

We didn't open presents there (another awesome thing) so this is him digging them out when we got home!

On his actual birthday....

He is SO handsome!!

Look out ladies!!

Uncle Cam this is for you!! He did it himself and thought it was the funniest!!!
I see the biggest change between 4 & 5, but he looks so big this  year!!!
Happy Birthday Lance Maksim!
You amaze me everyday!!

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