Monday, November 25, 2013

Copy cat

Lindley loves to play Wii! She was dancing along with Lance!! Love it!!


Lance read to me and then Lilly wanted to read to me. I had to switch the laundry so she told him he could read to her. Lindley crawled up on Lilly's lap and they sat like this for about 10 minutes. It was so sweet! She would help him when he didn't know a word. He is such a good reader! So proud!!

Dancing boy!

He will love to dance! I will make sure of it!!


Here's some random pictures!
This kept them entertained for a few days!!!

Uncle Cam came to visit for a few days! We get to see him in Disney for a day too!!

Lance had a teddy bear picnic/Thanksgiving picnic at school!

So....I love Lance's teacher and he is doing great. However, the boys in his class make me a bit crazy. I have gone on two field trips and then this picnic and they are a little wild. His teacher was absent on this day so that made it worse. I never would have thought that Lance would be considered a calm child. I am so proud of him for doing so well in school and keeping in control when others around him aren't. I just hope he can keep it up!

Christmas tree!! We had to put it up early since we will be gone, plus we are celebrating Christmas with Pappaw, Julie and Johnathan this week!

Umm...she likes shoes....

NoNo is here!! She surprised us and got here on Saturday!! We've been spending some time relaxing and playing!


Light Up Fairhope

Jeff was off and was able to go to Light up Fairhope this year. We went early and got to see Mrs. Clause and write a letter to Santa.
Lindley wasn't so sure!!

It's snowing!!


They were very excited!!
So fun!!

Adult time!!

I actually had a mom's night out and a date night in the same week!! I celebrated a friend's birthday by going to a painting place and painting a canvas. Then Jeff and I went to see Duck Dynasty speak! The ended their book tour in Fairhope!

My canvas was blank when we arrived and I was nervous! I had to paint it all black, then she used chalk to draw. I forgot to get a picture before I started. This is half way.

Here's the finished product! The lighting isn't good. It has some gold shimmer to it! I was pretty happy with it. I have no idea where I will hang it, but it was fun!1

That's my friend Misty, Michelle (birthday girl), Beth and then peeking around the end is Holly. We had a great time!

So of course it rained all day and night and the Duck Dynasty event was outside. We got there early and got our seats and tried our best to stay dry. It didn't pour, but rained pretty steady a few times.

Here they are arriving!!

Due to the rain it was hard to get a good picture because of umbrellas. This is Uncle Si talking. Korie, Phil, Kay and Si spoke. They had someone kind of interviewing them and they just talked and shared stories. It was very neat!
We went home and got dry clothes then went to dinner!! It was a fun night even with the rain!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fun at the park!!

The kids were off Monday for Veteran's Day and we hadn't been out much over the weekend so we headed out to the park.

Freedom is fun!!

So much fun!

Playing together :-)

This picture has no editing. She came down the tunnel slide and the sun was shining just right that it caught her hair that was standing up from the slide. SO FUNNY!!

Just a swingin'

Stealing drinks while big brother and big sister swing!!

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL??? I just can't believe how grown up she is!!!

Such a handsome young man!!

This is my world!!! Love them to pieces!!

Lots of random from the past week or so.....

This seems like a good idea right Mom?? She's a monkey just like her brother!!

Lance's first basketball practice!! He was very excited!!

Lilly's first AR assembly was last week. She got in the 25 and 50 point club!!! They don't do AR in kindergarten, but they have different goals. He had to recognize all his letters and sounds to get his AR shirt and he did!!!

I got Lance's football down and Lindley loves it!! It's the first riding toy she's had any interest in!!

Friday was Lilly's Veteran's Day program. She was Betsy Ross!! She spoke with about 6 other kids. Each class sang a song it was very cute!! She was so excited and did a great job!!

Someone is rotten...I don't think I need to explain anymore than that....

I decided to make French toast on Sunday morning. I haven't made it in years cause the last time I did the kids were less than impressed. However, they LOVE French toast sticks and can go through a box in less than a week. Well...they were a hit this time!!! I even froze a couple to see how they would turn out and Lilly ate them this morning for breakfast!! YUMMY!!

These two....if she's not picking at him...he is picking at her, but once in awhile....they can play together. He really wanted to just build Chik-Fil-A but she was "helping" and he was said she was doing "a terrible job, just stacking the blocks", but he finally gave in and let her help!! She loves her some "Bubba"

Only 20 sleeps!!!

We are VERY close to our Disney trip and the excitement level is HIGH!!!! Disney now has Magic Bands that serve as our room key, meal ticket and also fast pass. We got to pick out our color and our names are on the inside. The are very cool and the kids are BEYOND excited about them!!

Puppet show!

I printed out a Junie B puppet worksheet and she sat down colored, cut out and made the puppets then put own a show!!


Lindley is currently addicted to cereal!! She loves feeding herself and will eat 2-3 bowls!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Play-Doh, park and a quiet weekend

Jeff worked all weekend and I just wasn't up to dragging the kids out. We did run to a consignment sale and stop by a friends, then McD's for dinner on Friday, but other than that we chilled at home most of the weekend. It was REALLY nice! The kids played well and I got some things accomplished, but also got to relax a bit!

This was Lindley first experience with Play-Doh (I usually make them play while she naps!). She of course tried to eat it right away so I had to plug her!! She played for awhile and seemed to really like it!

Making cookies!

Lance....not sure...he was randomly throwing it at times...I don't understand him most days...

What a goober!! This is what she kept doing when I tried to take her picture. She thinks she's funny!

Caught cha'


Lilly and Lance are always too busy for pictures!!

Well...this is the pile of stuff I have slowly been cleaning out. I made the mistake of mentioning a yard sale and letting the kids split the money for Disney. So I'm going to try and pull it off.....just got to get some motivation!

Sliding fun!

Big girl on the slide!!

Hi Daddy

Sending Daddy love while he is busy working.

Lance fights the counter....

Lance was trying to earn $1 by drying and putting away the dishes. He was on the kitchen counter on his knees putting away bowls. I told him to get down and wait till he had all of dried and put them away at once. I was putting a new trash bag in the trash can and turned my back. The next thing I know I hear him hit the floor. I get him up and start checking....I can see blood in his mouth and can see he has bit a pretty good chunk out of his tongue. I get a wash clothes and then notice blood running down his chin. At this point he is pretty upset and screaming for Jeff. I wake Jeff and we get to looking at him. He chin has a cut, but not too bad. He tongue looks pretty nasty, but we figured there isn't much to do for that. We decided a visit to the urgent care was in order to check. Figured they might glue his chin. He calmed down and was pretty quiet while we waited. The doctor did put glue on his chin, but said he tongue would heal pretty quickly on it's own. She did suggest letting him drink tea to help it.

He got it on both sides. Poor kid!

His chin doesn't look so bad and he honestly didn't complain about it at all.
When we got back to my mom's to pick the girls up I said, "maybe you slipped because you had on socks". We were still trying to figure out exactly what happened up to this point he had said he didn't know. He said, "I jumped". WHAT?! So apparently when I told him to get down instead of just sliding down like a normal child he stood up and then jumped!!! The dishwasher was open so he is lucky it didn't up worse than that!
He had a little trouble eating dinner last night, but other than it hasn't slowed him down AT ALL!!
This boy shortens my life a little everyday!! Good thing he is sweet and handsome!!