Saturday, March 9, 2013

We've been busy!

This week was a busy one! Monday we finally bought Jeff a car!! He is very happy. I worked Tuesday and then we had a dinner/silent auction at Lilly's school. Wednesday I tried to do birthday shopping, but couldn't decide and the kids had dental check-ups. All good again, SO proud! Plus Lance had practice. Thursday and Friday were actually somewhat calm. I did lots of laundry!! Today we had Lance's first tee ball game, a friend of Lilly's had a birthday party and then I decided to take all the kids to Toys R Us. Then we joined my parents for dinner! WHEW....wears me out replaying it!

She is still in the Mardi Gras spirit!
Lance's treat for a good check-up. He wore this ALL day the next day. Fixed and washed his bike and anything else he could think of. SO CUTE!!

She seems to be doing better with the bangs. How big does she look here??

Wearing Lance's work glasses! So funny!

This is what happened after Jeff put the locks on the cabinets. She hadn't discovered the drawers at that point....guess what he doing while he is off??

Reading a book!

Ready for opening day!!!

Listening to coach.

Go Padres!!
Proud of her dirty hands! She is loving to self not so much!

This was before the locks went on....
She was just helping me reorganize :-)

Knock out!! LOL...she's a hoot.
As you can see Lindley is VERY busy these days. She is constantly climbing, opening or getting in to something. She reminds A LOT of Lance.

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