Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fun day!

After the run we headed over to the Arts & Crafts festival to check it out. They were supposed to have a model train exhibit and Lance was so excited. Well turns out they didn't have it and Lance was VERY disappointed. We walked to the food court and grab some lunch and then had a picnic. He actually was ok. We were right by the stage and go to see the Dogwood Trail Maids for 2013 get introduced and then watch Center Stage (a group of kids that perform) sing. All three of the kids sat and watch the entire performance (prob 30 mins). I let Lindley out of her stroller and she just watched and walked around a little.

The front row is this years girls. They appear at all the festivals etc. Lilly decided she wanted to be one.

She wanted her pic w/pink of course.

Lance chose blue.

We had to do grocery shopping. (I haven't taken all three in awhile. Luckily they behaved pretty well). We grabbed some pizze for dinner. Lindley liked it!! She is wanting to feed herself, but is kinda funny about textures. However, pizza was a score!

Lance got an ice cream sundae for being good and helping me with groceries. (Lilly chose to get gum. Strange girl! I won't buy her gum she has to get it from mom so I guess it was a big treat)!

After the big ones baths we hung out and relaxed on the porch. It was a lovely evening. It's so nice to be able to get outside again. Although ALL of us are having major allergy issues. Poor Lindley's nose has been pouring the past two days. We all got some sun today. Look at Lilly's cheeks!

Lindley LOVES to be outside and had a blast playing with the grill and just walking around. She is so content. I love it!

I almost forgot. Lilly lost another tooth!! She came in this morning and showed me her loose tooth. Then as I was getting in the shower she came in and said she had pulled it!! It is the one next to her front tooth on the right. (I love her bed head)
We ended the night with some Mickey Mouse and then bed! Tomorrow should be calmer thank goodness!

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