Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Lindley Claire!!

We had Lindley's party after dinner tonight and she was so excited!!
She's ready!!

Her cake and smash cake
Happy Birthday to you!!
Cake Time!!

Daddy giving her a taste!

Not sure about all this stuff on her hands.

All this cake makes a girl thirsty!

She knew exactly what to do!

A new dress from Uncle Cam!

 A new outfit from Lilly

See my headbands?

Oh no....they took my present...

but wait there's more!!

Oh boy a phone!

They took it again!

Oh wait...here we go

 A ball pit from Mommy & Daddy

A new shopping cart from Grandma Trisha

 A new purse from Pappaw & Julie

Let's play

Being 1 is so fun!

Hey...you out there??
She was so much fun to wait! She had a blast opening presents and then played with everything. She certainly is the happiest, sweetest little thing! Love her to pieces!!
Happy Birthday Lindley Claire....We love you bunches!!!

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