Monday, March 18, 2013

He's 5!!!

So today was the day....Lance is finally 5!! He has been waiting a long time for this day. I have to say we can't believe it. We told him this morning that it was just yesterday he was smaller than Lindley. He had school and as soon as I picked him up he started asking when his party was. He also had a game tonight so we had to squeeze his party in before dinner and his game.
Do you think he is excited??

Got them!

This is a music set from Grandma Trish. Lilly was in charge of pictures because I was cutting the cake and Jeff had the baby. She got distracted and decided to help him open it so we didn't get a picture of his reaction, but he was VERY excited. He was rocking out as soon as I got it open.

He got swim trunks, tattoos and a gift card from Taylor (& Bobbie & Kevin)! He can't wait to go shopping!

Uncle Cam sent his gift about two weeks ago. I have made him wait (aren't I mean). He finally got to open it!! It was a new outfit!! He said "a polo" then looked at the shorts and said "fancy, fancy, fancy" CRACKS ME UP!

A remote control monster truck from Mom and Dad

A ninja turtle skateboard from mom and dad. Yes, I'm sure I will regret this, but he has been asking for a LONG time.

This is him doing a little dance about his gifts!!

A HUGE dump truck from Mammaw & Pappaw!!!

He can't wait to get this to the beach!

Sharing some cake with Mammaw!! Yummy!

A new bat from Pappaw & Julie

Bating gloves too!

And a baseball bag! He was so excited to use it for his game tonight!!
WOW!! What a lucky boy! He was so excited about everything. He can never tell you one "favorite". When I asked what he was excited about playing with tomorrow. He said, "everything"!!
Time is flying so fast. These past few weeks have been so crazy(and will be for the a long time), but we have loved every minute. I can't believe he is 5! I am ready for him to be in kindergarten, but I'm not. It's gonna be tough. He really is something special!
Happy 5th Birthday Lance Maksim Wade. We love you VERY much!!!

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