Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

Lilly and Lance have been coughing and not feeling great. Yesterday we literally chilled all day. I took them to urgent care to make sure it was just a virus and then we watched TV and relaxed. I am so glad we did because they slept better last night and we had a great Easter together. Jeff took the day off to spend it with us and my parents came over for lunch. It was a very relaxing today, except for the intense egg scavenger hunt!

The bunny came!!

He left a note thanking the kids for his snacks and told them he left 60 eggs for them!!

Lance jumped right in as usual and had his basket empty in minutes!

Lilly likes to take her time and actually look at what she got.
Lindley played with her ball, but then was more interested in what Lilly and Lance got.

She finally found her chocolate bunny but then moved on.

Time to find those eggs!

Lindley found some too!

Checking out his goods!

Lilly found a bunch!

Chocolate bunny!

She took about three bites then just smushed it in her hands.

Goodies from Mam & Pap!

Lindley just kept carrying her bag around. It was so funny. My dad finally sat it down and helped her get her goodies out, but she would just pick it up and walk away.

We had an egg scavenger hunt so I sat a few out for Lindley.

I hid the first round and Lilly, Mom and Lance were on the hunt. They had to find what was on their list and then whoever found the Golden Egg first won.

Lance looking for the right egg.

At this point they were all on the hunt for the golden egg. If they only knew how close they were...

Nope....getting colder. Pap was even helping out. (I hid the eggs)
Mam found it!!! It was in the plant!

1st, 2nd and 3rd place!
We played several more rounds. Jeff won and then Lance. I finally got 2nd place on the last round! It was FUN!!

Rocking her new shades!! Playing outside and enjoying the beautiful day.
Happy Easter everyone!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Hanaver Visit-Rotolo's

On Monday Tiff and I spent the day shopping downtown while our moms kept the kids. It was nice!! Then we went to Rotolo's for dinner and the kids had a blast.
Lilly drew this at school before she knew they were coming!

Deal or No Deal....tough decisions

Max really thought he was driving. So sweet!

Looking for the basketballs

A heated game of air hockey

Look closely...Lindley is looking up at mom like she is part of the conversation

Grace and Lindley dancing. So funny!
They had so much fun!
We went to the outlet mall and to Lulu's on Tuesday, then dyed Easter eggs and did hunt that evening. I don't have those pics yet. I'm so glad they came. 

The Hanaver Visit-Cottontail Express

After our photo shoot we had some lunch and then headed to the Cottontail Express to see the Easter bunny!

All aboard!!

Max having a good time!

Happy Easter!
My little bunny!

What a cute baby bunny

She loves her Mammaw!

Waiting for the egg hunt


Tiff said look how many of us for just two families.  Then we realized we are missing half of us. Jeff, Jay, Steve, Cam, Tim and Alec. Can you imagine all of us??
The kids had a fun time and were exhausted when we left. It was a fun day!

The Hanavers Visit-Photo Shoot

I was busy last week preparing for the arrival of the Hanavers! They got in Saturday morning and left this morning. We had a great time! There were moments that got crazy, but overall I would say it was a success.
Saturday is was rainy and they were all worn out from traveling so we just hung around the house and played.
Sunday we decided to attempt our photo shoot with all the kids. Considering there are 6 of them I think we got some good ones!

This was Molly waiting to leave.

The boys...always waiting on the girls!

Here are a few of my favorites...there a SO many!
Look at those faces!

Little stair steps!


So handsome!
Where are Max and Lance??

Beautiful girls!

These two didn't quite get it!

Cracks me up!!
Molly helping Baby Lindley

Look at those faces....such good friends.

Showing some attitude!
I was pretty impressed with their behavior and willingness to get their picture taken.