Saturday, February 2, 2013

What a day!

We headed out this morning for a few errands and ended up being gone most of the day and caught the Mystic Mutt parade (dog parade). (Mardi Gras is in full swing). It was a fun, but exhausting day.

After the errands we went to the library, then decided to grab some pizza and have lunch at the park.
She loves to swing!

Look at that face!! She's so long and skinny!

Lance told me he was "feeding the animals"...he cracks me up. Lilly is saying "Happy Mardi Gras"

Apparently sitting on the tire swing is not scary enough for Spider-Man. He kept shooting his web at me.

They did so good taking turns! Love when they get along.

We headed for some ice cream and then had to make a stop at the toy store. Lilly and Lindey had a big time!

Lance found the train table!

Love the spring flowers!!
We found a spot to sit and wait for the parade.

Isn't he the MOST handsome every?? I could eat him!

He melt me heart....literally.

This growing into a lovely lady. I can't believe how mature she is (most of the time). She makes me proud to be her Momma.


I FINALLY got her to take a brief nap before the parade started. She fought it hard. Nosey like Lilly...

She woke up and we got her some beads. She carried these around ALL EVENING! She loved them.
Well, I think that has us all caught up! I will try and do better keeping up. Things have just been busy!

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