Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More fun!!

It rained on and off all day yesterday. I had told the kids we weren't going to the parade if it was raining. They kept asking and I told them I was waiting till the last minute to make my decision. Well, around 5 the rain stopped and they had cabin fever. So I thought why not brave it??

They got on their rain coats and I bundled Lindley and I up and off we went. We were able to find a parking spot fairly close and a place to stand with covering in case it did rain. I knew several people in this parade and knew the kids should get some goodies, but my goodness! They made out like bandits!! I kept hearing my name and stuff was flying. It sprinkled a couple times, but nothing bad. They had a blast and couldn't believe all the stuff they got.

Waited patiently!

She was ready too!

Need some beads??

Do you see all that?? It was quite a pile! Stuffed animals, horns, glow sticks, swords, beads, moon pies, cups, frisbees, coins, bracelets, footballs, baseball bat. CRAZY!!!

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