Saturday, February 2, 2013

Catching up..

I just posted several videos from my phone that I just hadn't taken the time to post. I am trying to catch up on what we've been up to. This is just a catch all of various things. Enjoy!

Here she is....her favorite thing. She knows she's not supposed to and when you tell her "No"....she just grins.

This was Thursday before we left for Indiana when he was feeling the worst. He hadn't slept well and then we went to the doctor and had to go to Wal-Mart. By the time we got home and he had a popsicle he was wiped.

Tuesday when we got back Lilly had another AR award program. She got an award for having 40 points! That is her principal behind her and McRae beside her. He is in her class and they are good friends.

So proud of her. They accidentally gave her the 60 point award too. She knew she only had 53, but the teacher sent her on up. Afterward she went and told the librarian and got two treasure chest (good behavior system at the school) for being honest!! Such a good girl!

We had to make a trip to Lowe's to get new door handles. Lance and Lindley were having fun!!
This is a scary sight....I can't imagine the day this can actually happen. IN A REAL CAR!

Lindley loves to play with Lance and Lilly, but she is actually really good at playing alone as well. This was one day while they were at school. She worked her way around the toys. After this she moved on to Lance's fire truck then came over to visit me. She is a very content little girl.

We had some cold, rainy days when we got back from Indiana.  They were happy to get out in the sunshine! A good big brother taking Lindley for a wagon ride.

She loves it outside!!

Lilly working on her cartwheel. She can actually do it pretty well. It is just hard to catch.

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