Monday, February 25, 2013

Monkey girl

Well Lindley has decided that she needs to climb on EVERYTHING.....

First I looked and she was sitting in the chair. Then I see this....

I was getting up to take the picture and moving closer to her which was a good thing cause she went face forward right after I took this!!
She is very brave and doesn't like it when you tell her no. She has started to become very vocal about her feelings!!! More and more like Lance every day!

Jumping boy

Wild child

Lindley was up late the other night cause she had a late nap. She thought she was big stuff! Cracked us up. Watch for her squinting eyes. Lilly taught her that.

Another tooth!

We pulled another tooth this weekend!

Monday, February 18, 2013


We left after school on Thursday for Huntsville. It was a long drive....6 hours (including a stop for dinner). We got to the hotel late and it took a bit to get everyone settled down. Of course we were all in one room so they were up bright and early. I worked all day and they went to the Space & Rocket Center. We were staying at the hotel on site so it was nice and close. They wore Jeff out, but everyone had a good time!

Saturday they ordered room service for breakfast and then headed to Sci-Quest which is a kids science center.


Everyone was worn out! We went for a late lunch and then swimming again before relaxing at the hotel for the evening. We got up and headed back home early Sunday. Overall, I think it was a successful trip, but I don't think Jeff and I are up for another one for quite some time!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

The kids had goodies waiting for them Valentine's morning and they were very excited!

Long story...but these are little plastic cones. He wanted some and ended up with two which he didn't feel were enough. He now has 6 and is a very happy boy!!

They both got some new activity books. yes I know...boring mom. We cleaned out their books the other day and they both needed some new ones. Plus, printing pages was getting old!

Lindley got a was plenty....

She seemed content!
They also got some cookies from Uncle Cam, dry erase boards from Mammaw & Pappaw and a stuffed animal and candy from Grandma Trish!! WOW!! Lucky little loves!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

11 months....

One month from today she will be did that happen??

Love that face!!

Sweet baby!!


Lilly & Lindley playing!

Happy Birthday Jeff!!!

Not only was today Fat Tuesday, but it was Jeff's birthday!! Although we went out for lunch and the movie on Sat we didn't really celebrate. My plan was to do that today since the kids were off. Jeff is working nights so after he went to sleep we headed out to pick up a few last minute things and then got to work. The kids were beyond excited!!

We discovered streamers!! They went CRAZY. This is just the kitchen. There was more in the living

After we decorated they made heart people. Another idea from Tiff and they had a blast!!

Aren't they lovely?? Lance's is on the right. The 54 is because is 4 now and going to be 5! Some sister time waiting to wake Daddy!
They made him close his eyes and they walked him over to the table while blowing their whistles.

Can you tell they are excited??? (poor Jeff....I let him sleep as long as I could).

Lance could not be contained!! He was BONKERS!!
We got him a Keurig!! He was surprised. He has asked for one a while back, but I guess he didn't think I'd remember!!

Mom & Dad got him some K-cups for his coffee machine and a new Alabama shirt and some shorts. I love this picture....look at Lance's face. I have no idea why he is mad, but he certainly isn't happy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!! She was saying Da, Da all day I think she knew it was his special day!!
Happy Birthday Jeff. I hope you had a great day!! We love you!!!

More fun!!

It rained on and off all day yesterday. I had told the kids we weren't going to the parade if it was raining. They kept asking and I told them I was waiting till the last minute to make my decision. Well, around 5 the rain stopped and they had cabin fever. So I thought why not brave it??

They got on their rain coats and I bundled Lindley and I up and off we went. We were able to find a parking spot fairly close and a place to stand with covering in case it did rain. I knew several people in this parade and knew the kids should get some goodies, but my goodness! They made out like bandits!! I kept hearing my name and stuff was flying. It sprinkled a couple times, but nothing bad. They had a blast and couldn't believe all the stuff they got.

Waited patiently!

She was ready too!

Need some beads??

Do you see all that?? It was quite a pile! Stuffed animals, horns, glow sticks, swords, beads, moon pies, cups, frisbees, coins, bracelets, footballs, baseball bat. CRAZY!!!

Singing & dancing

Lindley loves music!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What a weekend!!!

We had a busy and fun weekend!!

First up....Mardi Gras parade on Friday night!

Waiting patiently and enjoying some candy!

Thanks Mammaw!

She was down and free and ready to go!

Yay! it's almost time!

She was waving at the police man!

Here we go!!


They didn't throw as much as usual.

Willy Wonka!

Jurassic Park


They each got a stuffed animal and some beads, but not many moon pies!!
Saturday was Jeff's pre-birthday and our Valentine's day celebration. We started with Lambert's for lunch.
Bring on the food!

"These rolls are so good I can't stop eating them"

Just cute!

How lucky?? I don't know what we did to deserve this crew!!
After lunch we got some outside time while Jeff took a nap. Lindley mowed the drive way.
Then it was time for date night!! Mom kept all three and we went to see Top Gun in 3d at the Imax. It was VERY awesome!! So glad we went!

Rocking out 3D glasses!
Jeff had to go back to work tonight so he slept. I picked the kids up and we came home and messed around before heading to walmart. We did some grocery & birthday shopping and then come home to chill.
Lindley is FINALLY drinking from a sippy cup some. I haven't been able to get her to drink anything with her food. She either has a meal or a bottle. We are finally able to get rid of her afternoon bottle and do a "snack" with a cup. She still wants you to hold it some, but it getting better.

Reflex is the math fact fluency program my company has. I put Lilly on it awhile back but she wasn't quite ready. They are finally working on adding and subtracting in school so I thought we would try again.  This is her certificate for 1,000 total facts solved! VERY COOL! She is fluent in her adding 0's and adding 1's and a few others.
After a lazy dinner of sandwiches, chips and strawberries the kids took a glow bath. Tiffany gave me the idea and they loved it! I put them in my big tub with glow sticks and a few water balloons. We turned off all the lights and had two of their dreamlites in there. They had a blast!! Who knew taking a bath in almost dark could be so fun??
Then it was off to bed! They were worn out from a big night with mammaw! They have the next two days off for Mardi Gras. We have another parade tomorrow (unless it rains) and then Jeff's b-day on Tues. They go back to school Wednesday and then Thursday afternoon we leave for Huntsville. I have to present at a conference for work and Jeff is off so we decided that we would all just go. They will miss school Friday, but Jeff plans on taking them to the Space and Rocket Center. It should be fun! I have to work, but it will be good for them to get some Daddy time!