Thursday, August 2, 2012

Uncle Cam

My brother had some work not too far from here so he swung by and finally got to meet Lindley!! He was only here for a day and I had to work during the day, but Jeff grilled out and we had a nice dinner and spent the evening hanging out. The kids always get so excited to see him, but Lance was disappointed that Rugby (his dog) didn't come this trip!
This is the best we could get with three sleepy, but excited kids!!

Lance was about to explode with excitement. Jeff said he asked him 100 times that day when he was going to see Uncle Cam. So of course once he got there he was bouncing off the walls. We finally got him to bring his legos in and they sat down and built a house!

One last shot before bed! She puckered up when he first got there, but warmed right up to him!!

I'm so thankful he was able to come and can't wait for the next time!!

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