Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Big girl!!

Miss Lindley almost has two teeth!! I can't get a picture yet, but they have broken through the skin. She has handled it pretty well. She has had a few days here and there where she was needy, but overall not bad. She is enjoying playing on her belly more, but really has not desire to roll from her back to her belly. She can do it, but just doesn't. However, when she is on her belly and ready to be on her back she is there quick! When you leave her on the floor on her back she moves all over the place in circles, up and down and off the blanket. She is getting the art of sitting up, but doesn't last very long. Part of the reason is because she is miss grabby hands and falls over trying to get toys!

Hey there!! Just playing here!

Yup....I'm cute!!

and here we go...gotta get some toys!!

WHAT!!! I'm busy!!

Time to relax, that's hard work...

 A little reading!!!

Goodness....she's growing fast!! 5 1/2 months now!!

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