Friday, August 31, 2012

Hurricane Isaac?!

We made it through our first hurricane, which ended up only being a tropical storm for us. However, for a few days it looked like it was coming right through Mobile and was predicted to be a category 2. Thankfully, for us it shifted to the west and hit Louisiana. We did get a lot of wind and rain, but never lost power. It rained for about 3 days on and off. We were very prepared and had water, food, a window ac unit and a generator. I even took the kids to the dollar store and let them get a few goodies! They asked A LOT of questions but ended up being disappointed it didn't get worse I think! Jeff was off work and extra two days, Lilly missed 3 days and Lance missed his first two days of school. We spent time just hanging around the house and watching movies.
Who knew a .69 poster board could be so much fun!! Check out his road!!

Working a picture of her city!!

Busy playing her favorite new game....take all the toys out of the basket!!

I told the kids they could play in the rain (I think Wed....they all kinda run together). Anyway, Lance didn't want to and to my surprise Lilly went out by herself!! She does have shorts under her jacket...just can see them!

Puddle Jumping!!

Jeff took Lindley out....she's not so sure...

Oh...but this is fun!!

Jeff decided to play with Lilly....weeeeeeeee

Oh no...don't do it Daddy...

and down she goes (there was a big puddle there, as you can see I stayed on the dry porch)

I wish this wasn't blurry....LOVE the expression on her face!

Here we go again!!

by the toes this time!

Silly Daddy!

Because she's so cute!

Lance decided to go ahead and take his soak in our tub....making his pequin swim

So cute, darn blurry picture....

There he is!!
Overall it wasn't so bad. I can only hope that we don't have to worry about it again for a LONG time!!

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