Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm back!!

Last week is a blur, I worked all week. Things should slow down some now that school will be starting, thank goodness! The kids were home most of the week because Jeff was off. Mom had them Monday and then came and sat with the little ones on Wed so Jeff could take Lilly to meet the teacher. Then she came and got the big ones on Thurs to go swimming!! Lilly didn't talk to her teacher, but seems to like her and is excited to be a first grader! We know none of her close friends are in her class, but I'm hoping there is at least someone she knows is in there.
I only worked a half day on Friday so after I got home we went bowling and had a great time! This was the first time we used the bumpers for the kids and they did great! It was nice to actually spend some time together before Jeff went back to work yesterday. The kids and I went and had to return some shoes and pick up a few last things for school. I think we are pretty much set!! Lilly starts tomorrow and Lance starts next week. We also found out that Lance is old enough to play tee ball this fall!! I am going to sign him up this week. He is SO excited. We are too because now he will have an activity of his own. Lindley has two teeth that are coming in. They aren't through enough I can get a picture, but one has broken the skin and one is really close. She is still pretty happy, but tends to be somewhat needy. The nights are hit and miss, but seem to be improving. I think that's about it. Stay tuned for back to school pictures tomorrow!!!

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