Friday, August 31, 2012

Busy girl

Lindley's new favorite new thing is to sit and play with all the toys in her basket. However, she is too busy to sit and always ends up laying back or falling over.....
She's like oh man...what happened??

Somebody help me.....

Nah...I"m fine!!

First day of PreK....finally!!

After a two day delay due to the Hurricane Lance finally got to start school today!! He was so ready. He insisted on wearing his spiderman shirt (he talks and says, it's web slinging time)!! He had a great day!
So big!!

Look at that handsome boy!! Could he be any cuter???

This was how I found him when I got him from getting Lilly. He is such a little MAN!! I swear he NEVER has his pants on!!

Hurricane Isaac?!

We made it through our first hurricane, which ended up only being a tropical storm for us. However, for a few days it looked like it was coming right through Mobile and was predicted to be a category 2. Thankfully, for us it shifted to the west and hit Louisiana. We did get a lot of wind and rain, but never lost power. It rained for about 3 days on and off. We were very prepared and had water, food, a window ac unit and a generator. I even took the kids to the dollar store and let them get a few goodies! They asked A LOT of questions but ended up being disappointed it didn't get worse I think! Jeff was off work and extra two days, Lilly missed 3 days and Lance missed his first two days of school. We spent time just hanging around the house and watching movies.
Who knew a .69 poster board could be so much fun!! Check out his road!!

Working a picture of her city!!

Busy playing her favorite new game....take all the toys out of the basket!!

I told the kids they could play in the rain (I think Wed....they all kinda run together). Anyway, Lance didn't want to and to my surprise Lilly went out by herself!! She does have shorts under her jacket...just can see them!

Puddle Jumping!!

Jeff took Lindley out....she's not so sure...

Oh...but this is fun!!

Jeff decided to play with Lilly....weeeeeeeee

Oh no...don't do it Daddy...

and down she goes (there was a big puddle there, as you can see I stayed on the dry porch)

I wish this wasn't blurry....LOVE the expression on her face!

Here we go again!!

by the toes this time!

Silly Daddy!

Because she's so cute!

Lance decided to go ahead and take his soak in our tub....making his pequin swim

So cute, darn blurry picture....

There he is!!
Overall it wasn't so bad. I can only hope that we don't have to worry about it again for a LONG time!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Spirit Night!

Tonight we kicked off the football season with Spirit night! It was very hot and pretty unorgranized, but Lilly did great and had fun!!

Waiting patiently to get started

How cute is she??

Lining up for the team announcement

That's Lilly with the neon green shorts!

Look at all those girls!!!

Go Lilly!

Go Pirates!

Get our team into it!

Most of her squad w/her coaches.

It was HOT but she did great and ended up taking a little nap. Lance on the other hand.....ended up leaving a little early with Jeff.

First baseball glove

Jeff took Lance to get his first baseball glove this week. He was very excited! They have practiced every night! His first practice is supposed to be this week, but with the hurricane I'm afraid it won't happen. He is going to be so disappointed.

A lesson from daddy....priceless...

He caught it!

Doing pretty good!

Ouch...that one hurt!

so close!!
He is SO excited!! I can't believe he is big enough to play tee little man is getting too big!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Big girl!!

Miss Lindley almost has two teeth!! I can't get a picture yet, but they have broken through the skin. She has handled it pretty well. She has had a few days here and there where she was needy, but overall not bad. She is enjoying playing on her belly more, but really has not desire to roll from her back to her belly. She can do it, but just doesn't. However, when she is on her belly and ready to be on her back she is there quick! When you leave her on the floor on her back she moves all over the place in circles, up and down and off the blanket. She is getting the art of sitting up, but doesn't last very long. Part of the reason is because she is miss grabby hands and falls over trying to get toys!

Hey there!! Just playing here!

Yup....I'm cute!!

and here we go...gotta get some toys!!

WHAT!!! I'm busy!!

Time to relax, that's hard work...

 A little reading!!!

Goodness....she's growing fast!! 5 1/2 months now!!

First day of First grade!!

Lilly did not say a lot about going back to school. She seemed excited, but yet reserved. Not nervous, but calm. She was a little upset that her BFF, Madison wasn't in her class. There was a group of 5 that were pretty close and they got all split up. However, she was ready to get back I think.
She totally did the thumbs up herself. What a goober!!

Her new backpack!! She has a matching lunchbox, but it just arrived Monday evening!
I let her look at a website with different hairstyles and we tried a few over the weekend. She is currently in love with buns (again what a goober). So I did some twists on the top and then put the back in a bun!

She made this sign a probably a week of so ago on her own. I wanted to do a sign so when I saw it I thought it would be perfect. She asked if everything was spelled right, but I told her that I wanted it that way to show what she could do at this age.


She said she had a good day and told me quite a bit (which is unusual). She said, "I can't wait to go back"!! Here is hoping for another great year!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm back!!

Last week is a blur, I worked all week. Things should slow down some now that school will be starting, thank goodness! The kids were home most of the week because Jeff was off. Mom had them Monday and then came and sat with the little ones on Wed so Jeff could take Lilly to meet the teacher. Then she came and got the big ones on Thurs to go swimming!! Lilly didn't talk to her teacher, but seems to like her and is excited to be a first grader! We know none of her close friends are in her class, but I'm hoping there is at least someone she knows is in there.
I only worked a half day on Friday so after I got home we went bowling and had a great time! This was the first time we used the bumpers for the kids and they did great! It was nice to actually spend some time together before Jeff went back to work yesterday. The kids and I went and had to return some shoes and pick up a few last things for school. I think we are pretty much set!! Lilly starts tomorrow and Lance starts next week. We also found out that Lance is old enough to play tee ball this fall!! I am going to sign him up this week. He is SO excited. We are too because now he will have an activity of his own. Lindley has two teeth that are coming in. They aren't through enough I can get a picture, but one has broken the skin and one is really close. She is still pretty happy, but tends to be somewhat needy. The nights are hit and miss, but seem to be improving. I think that's about it. Stay tuned for back to school pictures tomorrow!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Lindley is still teething like crazy and has been chewing on everything.....
even her highchair!

Think she's enjoying it??

She LOVES her spoon and always tries to take it from me!