Friday, June 15, 2012

Our week in pictures....

I have posted several things from my phone this week, but haven't really mentioned what we have been up to. We honestly spent a lot of time at home. It didn't rain as much this week, but still wasn't super nice. We got outside when we could and walked a few nights. The kids and I went to the library and yesterday we cleaned and got laundry finished. Jeff went back to work today and Lilly had cheer camp so Lance, Lindley and I just chilled!!
One afternoon I got the moondough out. We haven't had it out in probably a year~

They had a blast! Played with it for over an hour!

Then cleaned up their mess!!

I washed Lindley's 3-6 months clothes w/her ones from this week so she had a BIG load. Lilly decided to fold it for me. She sat their like a little Momma and folded it and when Lindley would holler (on the floor next to her) I could hear her say, "What's the matter?" "Whatcha doing?" and just talked to her. It was so sweet! I wish I had an after picture. She had piles of clothes all around her, she was surrounded. SUCH A HELPER!

Tummy time....not right now thank you!

This is better!!

I have a precious face don't you think??

And these are my perfect little hands. I can grab things with them. I like to grab anything so watch out, I will get you!! 

Here's my big cheerleader!! I can't say enough about this girl. She had cheer camp today from 8:30-2. I went in with her and asked if she wanted me to stay for a few minutes and she said yes. So we hung out until they got started and watched her learn a few cheers. She went right out there and got into it! We left and she was fine!! This afternoon so was SO excited!! She was practicing her cheers and got her book that showed all the arm motions she will learn. She has it again all day tomorrow and then another one in July. These camps are not just for girls cheering in the fall anyone can attend, but they will help her build her skills for cheerleading this fall and it is ran by the same person. It is the Fairhope Youth League, which is different than what she did in the spring for basketball. The director seems to know what she is doing so I  SUPER excited for Lilly!! She will start cheering for the Fairhope Pirates in the fall and it may just lead to many more years of it!

This evening after dinner they asked if they could swim. Lilly scraped her knee and said the water hurt it, but didn't want to come in. This is what they ended up doing. Taking water from the pool and filled up the water table, moving their chairs and playing. I have no idea what they were doing because I was inside enjoying some me time (the baby was asleep), but they seemed to be having a blast! I love moments like this when they play so well together.

That's about it!! Jeff is working all weekend so we won't get to celebrate Father's Day w/him until next week. Not sure what all we are going to get into this weekend, but I'm sure we will find something!!

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