Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Beach day!

Jeff had to work Sunday so we are going to celebrate father's day w/him this week. Mom mentioned they might go to the beach so we decided to join them. We stayed most of the day and the kids were great and had a blast!! However, we forgot to check the weather before we left and it was a red flag. So the water was rough, which was ok except Lance has no fear.....made things stressful when we were in the water!
Happy Baby!

She made herself a chair!!

He just kept digging! Busy boy!

Me and my little beach babes!! They all love the beach!

Lindley was very content and enjoyed watching the waves. She never fussed.

That is Lance relaxing after his lunch while he eats his granola bar!

She sat right in her seat and fell asleep, such a good baby.

Woke up ready to go again!

Such a good day!!

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