Saturday, June 2, 2012

Leaving tomorrow....

Well, I think I have just about everything ready! Two big kids packed for Mammaws and the rest of us packed for Fort Lauderdale. Heading out tomorrow for the whole week! Won't be back till Friday evening. That's the longest I've been away. I know they will have fun because they get to swim and play with Mammaw and Pappaw, but gosh we will miss them! Jeff and Lindley will be chilling and hanging out during the day while I work and then we will spend time together in the evening. Hopefully, we can have a little fun!

This will be the first time I've flown with one this small. Lilly was almost two the first time we flew w/her and Lance was about the same. So this could be interesting. Especially because she doesn't take a paci so I don't know how her ears will do!

Wish us luck!!

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