Friday, June 22, 2012


Whew...we've been busy!! Today we decided to take the kids bowling. Neither have been so they were excited!!
After a few pointers from Daddy Lilly did great!

She wanted to do it herself and actually did well!

Hanging out watching us bowl and having fun!

Lance had a little more trouble. He struggles because he is smaller/younger and can't do things as well as Lilly.

However, he still did great and let us help him.

Again, when it was napped time I put her back in her seat and rocked her....she's out!

I didn't get a picture of the first game, but you can see those scores on the far right on top. We only played an hour so we got in a game and a half. We could have extended to finish the game, but they were tired. As you can see Lilly wasn't do so well on the second game! Jeff won both times. It was a fun afternoon!!

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