Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How much do you love me?

Me: Lance how much do you love me?

Lance: 52 inches.


I would also like note that BOTH Lilly and Lance told me tonight they would be my monkey and sunshine and let me give them big hugs and kisses even when they are older (15, 20 and 30). I think I need to get that on video for proof!!

The other front tooth...

Lilly's other front tooth has been loose for awhile. It was bothering her the other day and Jeff checked it and said it wasn't quite ready. I asked her tonight if I needed to check it and she said yes. I twisted it a little and out if came. She did MUCH better this time. No crying or tears!! BIG GIRL!!

Her other is already coming in so she isn't missing them both at the same time, which she was disappointed about!! It appears she is gonna have a bit of a lisp when talking. She went to bed shortly after I pulled it so I'll have to see tomorrow if she adjusts. It was pretty funny!! I can't believe she has lost 4 teeth, can read and is going into first grade! How did that happen??


Jeff brought home some sparklers from work yesterday and I thought the kids were going to explode!! The videos show how different my kids are and their personalities...cracks me up!

Lilly stands still. Nice and calm twirling hers....

Lance runs around and holds it over his head.....

Telling a story

She is talking quite a bit these days! She "sings" when she is sleepy. It's pretty cute!!

This is her current favorite position. She LOVES her feet right now!!

Bubble snakes!!!

I saw this on a blog today so I suggested to Jeff that he try it with the kids. I happened to fall asleep and was woke up to this!!

Very easy, simple and cheap!! They had fun!! Lilly told me that if you kept blowing you could make a long one!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012


One day when Lilly was at camp I let Lance use glitter. Of course everyday since Lilly has asked to do it. For some crazy reason I decided this afternoon was the time to do it. They had a blast, but there is glitter everywhere!!

Lilly's masterpiece. I swear she's a better artist than me!!

Lance's masterpieces!!


Whew...we've been busy!! Today we decided to take the kids bowling. Neither have been so they were excited!!
After a few pointers from Daddy Lilly did great!

She wanted to do it herself and actually did well!

Hanging out watching us bowl and having fun!

Lance had a little more trouble. He struggles because he is smaller/younger and can't do things as well as Lilly.

However, he still did great and let us help him.

Again, when it was napped time I put her back in her seat and rocked her....she's out!

I didn't get a picture of the first game, but you can see those scores on the far right on top. We only played an hour so we got in a game and a half. We could have extended to finish the game, but they were tired. As you can see Lilly wasn't do so well on the second game! Jeff won both times. It was a fun afternoon!!

New splash pad!

There is a new splash pad closer to us!! Only about 15 minutes away (the other is about 30). A friend told me about it so we met her and her kiddos there (Lance's friend Aiden & his little sister) on Thursday morning. We went early thinking it would be packed in the afternoon. We had a perfect morning!! When we got there only a few other kids were there. They played for a while and then we had a picnic lunch under a shade tree and by the time we finished we were the only ones there!! They got the whole place to themselves for about 20 minutes. It started filling back up after that but we were almost finished anyway!! It is baseball themed and VERY cute!!
The slide was a big hit!!

You could use the water gun to keep it wet!

This is all of them...Ava is on the left, Lilly and Lance at the gun and Aidan in the background.

Miss Lindley was happy as can be laying on the blanket watching the trees. Then when it was nap time I put her in the stroller and walked her around and she was out!

Aidan and Lance waiting on the bucket to dump on them. They were both screaming like little girls!! You can see we were the only ones here at this point.

I think Stephanie got some better pictures. I'll post more if I get them! It was a fun morning!

Rolled over!

Lindley rolled over while we were in Florida, but hadn't done it since....until a couple days ago. Lilly hollered at us and said she was about to roll over. By the time I got the camera she rolled over....
Hey look...I'm on my belly. I went to turn the TV down so I could record her and.....

She rolled back to her back!!!

Little stinker!! She hasn't done it again, but she can do it when she wants!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Beach day!

Jeff had to work Sunday so we are going to celebrate father's day w/him this week. Mom mentioned they might go to the beach so we decided to join them. We stayed most of the day and the kids were great and had a blast!! However, we forgot to check the weather before we left and it was a red flag. So the water was rough, which was ok except Lance has no fear.....made things stressful when we were in the water!
Happy Baby!

She made herself a chair!!

He just kept digging! Busy boy!

Me and my little beach babes!! They all love the beach!

Lindley was very content and enjoyed watching the waves. She never fussed.

That is Lance relaxing after his lunch while he eats his granola bar!

She sat right in her seat and fell asleep, such a good baby.

Woke up ready to go again!

Such a good day!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bass Pro & Big Daddy's

After cheer camp we went to Bass Pro for some activities and then took my Dad out for father's day dinner!!
practicing his shooting!!
practicing his casting!
They got to paint a wooden wiggle worm and of course sat in several boats. They love that place!
Dad wanted to go to Big Daddy's so we got to sit outside and the kids got to play in the sand. They had a blast!

That would be Lilly sneaking into the bush. They were playing hide and seek w/some kids!

Mam & Pap getting some baby time!

She's telling Pap something!

Cheer Camp!

Lilly had cheer camp all day Friday and Saturday. When we picked her up Friday they did two cheers and a dance they learned. She LOVED it and did so good!! She has another one next month!!

She was right in the front so I was able to get great video!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Our week in pictures....

I have posted several things from my phone this week, but haven't really mentioned what we have been up to. We honestly spent a lot of time at home. It didn't rain as much this week, but still wasn't super nice. We got outside when we could and walked a few nights. The kids and I went to the library and yesterday we cleaned and got laundry finished. Jeff went back to work today and Lilly had cheer camp so Lance, Lindley and I just chilled!!
One afternoon I got the moondough out. We haven't had it out in probably a year~

They had a blast! Played with it for over an hour!

Then cleaned up their mess!!

I washed Lindley's 3-6 months clothes w/her ones from this week so she had a BIG load. Lilly decided to fold it for me. She sat their like a little Momma and folded it and when Lindley would holler (on the floor next to her) I could hear her say, "What's the matter?" "Whatcha doing?" and just talked to her. It was so sweet! I wish I had an after picture. She had piles of clothes all around her, she was surrounded. SUCH A HELPER!

Tummy time....not right now thank you!

This is better!!

I have a precious face don't you think??

And these are my perfect little hands. I can grab things with them. I like to grab anything so watch out, I will get you!! 

Here's my big cheerleader!! I can't say enough about this girl. She had cheer camp today from 8:30-2. I went in with her and asked if she wanted me to stay for a few minutes and she said yes. So we hung out until they got started and watched her learn a few cheers. She went right out there and got into it! We left and she was fine!! This afternoon so was SO excited!! She was practicing her cheers and got her book that showed all the arm motions she will learn. She has it again all day tomorrow and then another one in July. These camps are not just for girls cheering in the fall anyone can attend, but they will help her build her skills for cheerleading this fall and it is ran by the same person. It is the Fairhope Youth League, which is different than what she did in the spring for basketball. The director seems to know what she is doing so I  SUPER excited for Lilly!! She will start cheering for the Fairhope Pirates in the fall and it may just lead to many more years of it!

This evening after dinner they asked if they could swim. Lilly scraped her knee and said the water hurt it, but didn't want to come in. This is what they ended up doing. Taking water from the pool and filled up the water table, moving their chairs and playing. I have no idea what they were doing because I was inside enjoying some me time (the baby was asleep), but they seemed to be having a blast! I love moments like this when they play so well together.

That's about it!! Jeff is working all weekend so we won't get to celebrate Father's Day w/him until next week. Not sure what all we are going to get into this weekend, but I'm sure we will find something!!