Saturday, January 21, 2012

Where did this week go??

So this week is a blur. Lilly ended up missing school Tue-Thurs & Lance was out Friday. She probably could have gone Thurs, but was still tired & just didn't look good. Lance started with the fever Wed evening and is still running one on and off. He doesn't seem to be as bad as she was so hopefully he will be fine by Monday. Jeff & I both started feeling bad Thurs. night/Fri. I think he has a sinus infection and I have allergies/cold. So we've beeen pretty boring. Lilly had a game today and then went to Madison's house for a playdate. She had a good time, but was worn out! Lance went to Mammaw & Pappaw's but his fever came back up so they just chilled most of the afternoon. I did manage to pick up some bins for Lindley's changing table and got the rest of her clothes washed!!

(Ignore the poster under the changing table, that's Lilly's school project).
She does not need clothes 0-3. Ally send a BUNCH of Hadley's clothes (thank you) and so she is in GREAT shape!! We have a few things to pick up but for the most part I would say we are ready. I had a dr. appt. Friday and  everything looked good. It was with my regular dr and we all agreed I didn't need to return to the high risk dr. Since the cardiologist signed off on everything that's what was important. So we got pre-registered down here at the local hospital and are counting the days!! I'll try to post a pic tomorrow of the belly tomorrow. She is growing!!  We are at 32 weeks, only 8 weeks left!! I am feeling pretty good, but I am not sleeping well. I didn't have that problem with the other two so this is new to me. Due to that I get worn out pretty easily. Hopefully, it doesn't last until she gets here!!

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