Saturday, January 7, 2012

Our cheerleader!

Today was Lilly's first game as a cheerleader!!! She went right out there & was smiling! I couldn't believe how well she did. She got tired towards the end, but still did everything she needed to. I was so proud. Jeff had to work, but will be able to see her next 4 games! My parents were there so that helped some. Also, Lance watched the games VERY intently & would clap when someone made a basket. He so desperately wants to be able to play a sport. ANY sport. I feel so bad for him. If we can get him through the next year he should be able to. I got a few good pics, but I am sure there will be many more!

Getting started, how precious???

They announce the cheerleaders & players. They run through the streamers you see in the background!! Lilly is the one on the left.

At half-time they came to the middle & did a cheer. The girl sitting on the floor helps the coach. I think she is a high school cheerleader. She's sweet.

Getting hot....look at the leggings!! They aren't wearing them next week they were HOT!

So proud of how much she has come out of her shell & is enjoying being a part of something! Such a big girl!

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