Monday, January 23, 2012

Illness update..

Just when I thought we were might be making a recovery....Lance's fever spiked yesterday afternoon to like 103!! It came right down, I think it just got so high because he was watching tv under covers and we didn't realize he even had one. However, it was 102 this morning. So no school for him & we just chilled all day. Took him to the dr. she said his ears and throat look good and wants to give the fever another day or two. She did give me a nasal spray and cough med. for him. Hopefully this will do the trick. Jeff & I still feel pretty rotten. Hoping the end is near!

On a good note....Lilly is feeling great & had a field trip to a science & nature center in Orange Beach today. It wasn't on the beach but still how cool is that?? She was SO EXCITED!!! She couldn't wait to tell us all about it. Mom picked her up cause I had Lance at the dr (Jeff was sleeping, back on nights tonight). When Mom brought her home her eyes were so big & she was just telling us all about it! She touched a sting ray...yes my Lilly touched a sting ray! I just can't get over how much she has came out of her shell!! Love that girl!!

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