Monday, January 16, 2012

Lazy weekend

We went to Lilly's game Saturday afternoon and then came home and just relaxed. I think traveling caught up with me!
I noticed Lilly coughing Friday evening & a little Saturday morning. As the day went on she seemed to feel worse. She was up once coughing Saturday night but went back to sleep. Yesterday she started with a low fever & just seemed to get worse.
Early this morning the fever was back & she was coughing quite a bit. I got in the dr. today & they gave her another breathing treatment. She said she did hear some wheezing & her breathing was decreased somewhat, but after the treatment the wheezing was gone. She prescribed another inhaler and said that if her fever isn't gone in a few days to bring her back.
Her fever got high this afternoon because she HATES taking medicine. I finally had to threaten her to get her to take it. It came down some & we ran to Wal-Mart to pick up her meds. We found a different ibuprofen for her to try. I got that in her along with her singular and inhaler & she started feeling MUCH better. After some dinner and a bath she was ready to go! I hope she sleeps good so she can go to school tomorrow (they were out today for MLK day).
So instead of enjoying the sunny 60+ degree days we've had, we have been cooped up inside. Hopefully, it doesn't last long!

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