Monday, October 17, 2016

September fun!

We decided that we were sitting fall baseball out this year. That left a few options for a fall activity for Lance. After some discussion we landed on swimming. This is a different team that is year round. One of his friends from summer swims for them during the year and we had some other friends starting this year too. He has practice three nights a week and meets about once a month. However, he doesn't have to do every meet. It has been an adjustment and it wears him out, but he seems to be enjoying it. He had his first meet at the end of September and did great!
He was a little nervous because he had 10 events in two days (5 each day)

There weren't many kids his age there so it was a nice way to ease into it!

One day I decided to let the girls fix my hair and do my make-up.....they had a blast!
Lilly can do a fish tail braid!

Look at her little hand on my face!

So big!

Lilly did this one.

Lindley's make up work

Lindley working on pony tails!

And then they got silly!

Lilly did this. Not too bad! 
They took turns and it kept them happy for a good while!

I went to have lunch with this sweet 5th grader one day!

Doing a finding book in the dark using a flashlight! She's really gotten in to the finding books and is pretty good at them.

The start of fall decorating!!!

This football was a gift from Tiff for Lance's baby shower. It is by far one of the most loved toys we have. I keep it up most of the time but it comes down on occasion. Lance still loves it and it's the only riding toy Lindley ever really played with until she started riding her trike.

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