Monday, October 17, 2016

Lilly turns 11!!! WHAT?

How can it be?? Is our first born really 11?? I don't believe it!! I have told her no more birthdays, but they just keep coming!! Jeff had to work on her birthday so we celebrated with friends a couple weeks early and then just did a small celebration on her birthday. That also meant she got her gift from us early!
A new bike!!! 

She picked it out and it is amazing! Hard to believe she was ready for her "big girl" bike. This will be her bike for years to come. 

She has already put a bunch of miles on it!

That evening she got to pick two friends to take to The Factory.

Then she picked Lulu's for dinner!!

Back home for cookie cake!!

Ella got to spend the night, but Madi had to go home because she had a gymnastic meet the next day. I'd say she had a good time and was very happy!

On her birthday we sent vampire donuts to schools for her treat!

Of course a donut for breakfast!

Yes...she's that excited about an Emoji pillow. This was from Lindley and Lance and she loved it!

Grandma got her basket and cup holder for her bike and also the ipod case she wanted! My parents got her a pair of shorts and shirt she wanted and she got money from Pappaw & Julie which she used to buy a new backpack. 

She was a happy girl!

Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

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