Sunday, October 16, 2016


We had not been to the beach all summer. Actually not since spring break when Leah visited. We were WAAAY overdue. Luckily Uncle Cam needed to get his toes in the sands  and came for a visit which gave us an excuse to go!! We had two amazing days with beautiful weather!

Of course we had to have some lunch at The Hangout! Milkshakes for the win!

Friendship bracelets!


Because why should we get a decent picture of just us??

Pap enjoying himself!

This was how they were most of the time....chasing fish! LOL

Mam and Cam relaxing!

My little fish!

This sweet baby! Love her to pieces. She loves the beach and water!


She had Uncle Cam wrapped!

Go Lilly!

Go Lance!

She amazes me. She has no idea how much strength this takes and how talented she is!


Wrote her name in the sand!

Happy kids and happy Cam!


My favorite!

Sandcastle time!

Love me some black and white. 

I was able to get them all three to sit still for this one. But Lance was too busy for any others.

My girls though....always up for a photo shoot!



The best I was getting from him. Too busy!

Serious talk with Uncle Cam. I am sure she was bossing him around!

Of course...although Lance is always happy to see Uncle Cam...he LOVES when Rugby gets to come!!! 

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