Saturday, January 10, 2015

Merry Christmas!

At about 12:30 (about 20 minutes after Santa left) Lance burst through our doors throws his hands up and screams "It's Christmas"!! Needless to say it was a long night. We eventually got him to sleep a bit and were up at 6:30.
Looks like Santa emptied his sleigh here!
Oh boy!!

Christmas morning cutie!

Yay...doc band-aids!

It's Olaf!


Remote control car!
A baby carrier for her new baby!



A wheel chair for her American Girl!
An electric scooter!

An Olaf car!!

Games from Mommy and Daddy!

A guitar for Lindley!

Clothes for her AG doll!

New football!

This is a snackeez....a cup that you can carry a snack in. You would have thought we gave them a million dollars!!

Legos (& gift card) from Grandma!

Doc magnets (& gift card) from Grandma!

New earrings (& and gift card from Grandma)!

Trying out the new stuff! Doesn't she look like a pro??

New skateboard!

These scooters are AWESOME! I tried fun!


Look at her go!

Trying out her new sewing machine!


Those hands!

I think she wore herself out!

Daddy too!

This is as far as we got for awhile! She finally did drive it some. It's gonna take some time!

One of her outfits for her AG doll was roller skates!!
However, she had a terrible accident and ended up with a broken foot, arm and wrist (or something awful like that)! Luckily she healed quickly and was back on her skates that night!!

Just playing babies!


So precious!
Playing her "pie pad" in her car. She loaded it down with all her new stuff....hilarious!!
It was a great day and the kids were very happy!!


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