Saturday, January 10, 2015

Christmas break fun!!

We had a nice relaxing couple of weeks while the kids were off of school.
We got Lilly a little table for her sewing machine. We didn't want her moving it around a lot and wanted her to be able to use it.
She got right to work! She made herself a little pillow and blanket!
One rainy Saturday evening we decided to take the kids on Mom/Son and Daughter/Daddy dates.
(Jeff & Lilly went to dinner and movie, but of course he didn't take any pictures)

Lance and I got some dinner at Chick-fil-a

Then went roller skating!!

The close for a couple hours and then open back up in the evening. We were the first ones there so we had the floor to ourselves for a few!

He doesn't pretty good. Still falls quite a bit but gets right back up and goes again!
Ironically, I never fell but managed to hit my face on a door frame while leaving the floor. (I was looking back at Lance and it was just bad timing. The only spot in there where there is anything and of course I hit it!)


One day we decided to go swimming! They were happy to be back in the water!

Lindley had fun but just couldn't stay warm in the water. I guess cause she is so little!
Snack time!

My little fish!!
Lilly and Lance both use our old iphones as ipods. However, Lilly's screen ended up cracked and she has wanted a new one. It was on her Christmas list, but not before an electric scooter. After Christmas she wanted to use some of her money to buy a new case for the one she had. I didn't want her to spend money on something that was broken. We discussed buying a used ipod and she was all for it!! I explained that it might take some time to find one in her price range and she had to be patient etx. By the grace of God we found in Pensacola and she had enough money!! So we drove over one day and picked up and she also got a case for it! This is one VERY HAPPY girl!! (Thanks Grandma, Aunt Kackie & Taylor)

Once I got the tree down the living room had all kinds of room (tree has been up since we got the new tv). I decided to move the train table in there from the dining room. Lindley has really enjoyed it!

Lance built his Lego from Grandma!!
We really did a lot of nothing, but some fun too! It was nice to just spend time together!

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