Friday, January 9, 2015

Here we come Disney!

We headed out early Sunday morning for Disney. We arrived at our hotel that afternoon and headed to Downtown Disney. We didn't make it there last year and we wanted to take the kids to the Lego Store. So glad we did! They really liked it!

On the road again!

We made it!!

They were quite impressed with all the big displays!

Lilly with a  Lego Friend!

Lance doing his best Hulk!


Playing Legos!

A reindeer!

Picking out their own legos.

So many to choose from

This was the wall of legos they got to use to fill their container!

Very cool!

They really loved this dragon in the water.

Seven Dwarfs!

They decided to join this Lego family.

Giant Tinkertoy.

"Me Have, Picture". She had to have a picture with Mr. Potato head since she has one.

We were off to a great start!

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