Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Visitors and more!

I was only home about a week before I had to leave for a work trip. We squeezed in some pool time, a birthday party and had some visitors!! Lori and NoNo came down to spend Lori's birthday at the beach. We had fun visiting with them!!

She thinks she's on the swim team...

Isn't she the cutest!

Lindley and Will having fun at Micah's birthday party! So sweet!

Playing the arcade at Micah's party!

Movie time with Nono!

I think I wore him out! Look at his creepy eyes!

Nono and had a couple sleepover while she was in town!! SO FUN!! I miss hanging out with her!
Dinner at Big Daddy's! YUMMY!

Mr. Gene's Beans! YUMMY!

Cheese head!

Lovely ladies!!

Having fun with Daddy!

I love when we have visitors!! So much fun!!

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