Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Libary, Pancakes & Bass Pro!

I ended up between both girls in our bed last night and Lance ended up on the floor. Needless to say I didn't sleep well. Plus my allergies are still bothering me. I woke up when Jeff came in, but went back to sleep and didn't wake till 8:30. I wasn't feeling well and the big kids were still asleep. I decided to skip swim this morning and take a rest day. Lance ended up sleeping till almost 10!!! Poor boy was worn out!! After I showered I decided we better get out for a bit (no swim = crazy kids by evening).

We decided to go to the Daphne library just to play for awhile cause we haven't been there for awhile, then grab some 56 cent pancakes at IHOP!
Setting up for a show for me!

She loves the train table!

All about babies right now!!

In honor of their anniversary IHOP had pancake stacks for 56 cents!! YES PLEASE!!

They were in heaven! Lance had three different types of syrup! I was tempted to go back for dinner, but was good and didn't!
So as we are leaving IHOP Lilly said, now what? I said, "home". Lance said, "No Bass Pro". I had mentioned both Bass Pro and the library when discussing options. I thought we decided on the library and then IHOP. Apparently we decided on all three....so off we went!

Look at that face!! He LOVES all things boy!

Lilly didn't do too bad!!

Practicing with the bb gun!

Not too bad...he did hit the bullseye!

Love her to pieces...in her dress with a big bow and shooting  bb gun!!

She did really well! Hit the bullseye a couple times!
Isn't the purpose of the ATV's and boats sitting out for my kids to sit on each one?? LOL!

She's too much! I LOVE HER!!
So while we ended up getting out it was still a very low key day. We weren't rushed and just had fun.

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